There's no love on these streets
I have given mine away to a world that didn't want it anyway
So this is my new freedom
It's funny

I don't remember being chained
But nothing seems to make sense anymore
Without you I'm always twenty minutes late
Savage Garden
2 comentários:
Cool breeze and autumn leaves
Slow motion and daylight
A lone pair of watchful eyes
Oversee the living
Feel the presence all around
A tortured soul
A wound unhealing
No regrets or promises
The past is gone
But you can still be free
If time will set you free
Também Savage Garden ;)
"o meu Amigo e eu contamos um ao outro
todas as nossas preocupações.
Muitas vezes, nada há a fazer
para as resolver;
porém, o saber
que estamos lá, um para o outro,
prontos a ouvir,
é toda a ajuda de que precisamos."
Linda Macfarlane.
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