Como miniaturas enfileiradas numa prateleira, como recordações de um momento especial ou perfeitamente banal, vou aqui colocar pequenos pedaços dos meus dias...
hi there... I couldn't find an email address so contacting you here instead...
thanks you so much for displaying the BifSniff cartoons on your site - however we are no longer producing regular cartoons, so the feed will no longer update...
Therefore, I imagine you will probably remove the feed from your sidebar - we would really appreciate if you gave us a link somewhere to though.
1 comentário:
hi there...
I couldn't find an email address so contacting you here instead...
thanks you so much for displaying the BifSniff cartoons on your site - however we are no longer producing regular cartoons, so the feed will no longer update...
Therefore, I imagine you will probably remove the feed from your sidebar - we would really appreciate if you gave us a link somewhere to though.
Thanks again,
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